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#1 Resource: American Cancer Society
Known human carcinogens (If you read nothing this!)
20 Suspected Carcinogens
Others Resources:
Whole Foods Unacceptable Ingredients List
chlorine bleach health risks
Avoid 5 these chemicalsTop Ten Most Toxic Cleaning Products
International Agency for Research on Cancer
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Product Database Search Engine
Tetrasodium EDTA (enhanced skin absorption)
Cosmetics DatabaseChemical of the Day
- Methylisothiazolinone is a known neurotoxin. In 2004, the European Scientific Committee on Cosmetic Products and Non-Food Products Intended for Consumers (SCCNFP) suggested that companies limit the maximum concentration to 0.01% (100 ppm). However, US companies are not required to follow this guideline.
- It is known to be absorbed through skin. A study at the Pittsburgh School of Medicine concluded that "Prolonged exposure to low levels of MIT and related compounds may have damaging consequences to the developing nervous system."